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Win a bath bomb factory

1 prize to be won!

Transform your ordinary bath time into a luxurious and aromatic spa experience with the So Bomb DIY Aroma Bath Bomb Factory. This all-in-one kit is your passport to creating mesmerizing bath bombs that not only fizz and bubble but also fill your bathtub with enchanting scents, turning every soak into a relaxing and indulgent getaway.


With the So Bomb DIY Aroma Bath Bomb Factory, you become the mastermind behind your bath time bliss. Let your creativity shine as you craft beautiful, handcrafted bath bombs that are as unique as you are. Choose from an array of colorful powders, glitters, and scents to concoct the perfect bath bomb recipe.


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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 26/09/2025.


So Bomb DIY bath bomb factory x1